Claudia Hernández-Ponce

With a passion for creating immersive and culturally rich experiences, I dedicate my work to fostering meaningful connections within the Latino community and beyond. Born and raised in Mexico, I now call Baltimore home, where I channel my love for cultural celebration into Charanga Productions, LLC. Through my company, I collaborate with talented creatives to host vibrant events that bring people together, whether they’re reconnecting with old friends or forging new relationships within the creative community. My mission is to build and strengthen our community by providing spaces that celebrate our shared heritage and artistic expression.

Do you have a creative project or cultural event you’re eager to bring to life? Whether you’re looking to launch a unique experience or celebrate our vibrant heritage, I’m here to help turn your vision into reality.

At Charanga Productions, LLC, we specialize in crafting immersive cultural events that connect people and celebrate creativity. If you have an idea that’s ready to take shape, let’s collaborate and make it happen! ✨